Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Just a Rant: The Past is the Past, right?

What's in the past is in the past...
is a complete load of bollocks. Our brains are naturally wired so that when we see some form of stimulus (for example, a person we don't like), we react instantly too it. And that's a problem I'm having right now. I often sit down to do some form of project, maybe a little drawing or make a video for youtube. Some random thing that keeps me entertained and I enjoy. Except that I can't. I sit there, the majority of the time never finishing these things, because of this annoying, bitchy, whiny voice in the back of my head. And it's the past.

I forgive but don't forget...
and sometimes I don't forgive either. I call this voice 'the past' but really I can normally attribute it to someone. Something said to me. Said by people which most likely won't even remember they said it. But it holds me back. "I remember when X was said about my Y, so I can't do that". What a load of shit right? I should do whatever I want. And yet I consider that negative Jibe as if there was some truth to it. What if others don't have the guts to say it because they don't want to be mean? What if they do say it, just not to my face? Better not then, just in case right?

But what about all the nice things?
I mean, I even have a bunch of nice stuff written about me. These really wonderful things, written from some volunteering things anonymously (some are obvious, others I still don't know who wrote it and that is the point). And yet for all these awesome things people could think about me, it takes one bad comment and I'll believe that one. I've managed to get over certain things, but one of the simplest is my voice. I was picked on a lot (and I mean a lot...) during high school for my voice. I still feel pretty sensitive about it now. I haven't had anyone make fun of me for it since I was 15, yet that's still with me, dragging around my ankles like dead weight. It's a really frustrating thing as well, because if I have to talk in front of a group the whole time I'm thinking "no one really wants to listen to me, with this annoying monotone robotic (continue with insults) voice". It doesn't matter what I'm saying or whether it is important I say it or not. That's what I'm thinking the whole time, every time.

I just wish people realised the extent of the things they say with malicious intent. I hope I haven't said something which affects someone the way this kind of thing bothers me. I've always tried hard to be as nice as possible because I want people to be happy. I can't understand having the thought 'I will say this because that will really hurt someone'. What kind of person wants to do that to another human being?

Well there is one of my most common frustrations, out in the open. Thanks if you bothered reading this far.


Friday, 1 February 2013

Game Review: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Genre: Puzzle/Adventure           Platform: Nintendo DS          Publisher: Capcom
Released: 2001

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is an interes-OBJECTION!!! Your Honour, there is cleary a... urm... contradiction with the reviewers statement! All jokes a side, objection is said a lot in this game. It takes some funny stereotypes of lawyers, a well thought out plot and a great soundtrack and brings them all together in this wonderful creation.

Players assume control of the title character, Phoenix Wright, an understudy who wants to become a fully fledged defense attorney. Phoenix gets his first case, when a childhood friend (who happens to be an idiot) gets arrested and accused of the murder of his ex-girlfriend. As the player, you have to look through the evidence and prove that your buddy isn't a murderer. 

The game is almost like a novel, with bits for you to figure out in between to unlock the full story. The story is well written and pieced together intelligently, the sound track is brilliant and keeps the pace and atmosphere of the game, and the game is challenging enough to make you feel like you actually had to think. Often I found myself talking to the screen 'I know what happened!' and the game captures the saying "it's not what you know, it's what you can prove in court". I had great fun putting myself in the shoes of Phoenix, and the characters in the game all had a unique way off acting and looking. Part of the graphics which I felt really made the game shine was interaction during dialogue. Characters pulled some form of expression when lying or hiding something, so it paid being observant. 

There is a downfall to the game though and it isn't particularly a big one. Text. The game is completely dependent on you constantly reading, and is very much so an interactive novel. Now, this was not a problem for me, but makes the game not to everyone's tastes. I really cannot think of any other complaints to this game. And if you can think of them, well OBJECTION! TAKE THIS!

Rating: A-Lister
This game deserves recognition as a funny, intelligent and enjoyable game. It isn't the greatest game ever, but I would recommended this game to anyone. Check it out!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Fluxzy's Flashback: Super Mario Allstars

Super Mario Allstars: Flashback

Genre: Platformer         Released: 1993         Re-released on wii: 2010
Awesomeness: Maximum

To quickly explain the point behind this article, I am writing this because not many people my age (20) managed to really play many video games until it exploded to the point where pretty much everyone owns some form of gaming system (console or PC). I'm hoping that by sharing the rainbow spews of nostalgia that someone, somewhere, will be inspired to play these games. I hope to also delve in to games which are seen as classics but I missed due to the games not being at blockbusters (the main source of games for me and my bro as kids, every other friday one of us got to rent a game for the weekend and we got so good we would often complete that game several times). 

I Think it is safe to say that most people can say 'this was my first game'. In my case, SMA (acronym mudda fucka deal with it) was just that. What most people can't say is that I played this game when I was about 3 or 4. Somewhere around there, I can't exactly remember much, other than how awesome this game is. I say game, but really it is a collection of awesome games mashed in to one awesome cartridge of awesomeness. Yes, that's right, it is awesome. 

Anyhoo, Super mario allstar was my virtual first (excuse the sexual pun if you can, if not feel the tension) and as many say my first holds a special place in my heart. Not only that, but each of the games in the collection easily inspire games which are still being produced right now. Mario is THE platform game for most gamers. Jumping on stuff to kill it, getting big over shrooms, travelling down pipes and having to go to another damn castle due to there being so many evil castle layers for bowser (seriously?!) all combine in to a fantastic game. I still play it now. It beats most games of the genre as most now just feel like a copy. The game has had a massive impact on my life, gaming and personal. I often randomly break out in to some form of tune whilst walking around or even just doing stuff. Even tunes from the gameboy (original grey brick of fun) game mario land. Sometimes I wish I could just impersonate mario. I try, but it is hard to get such an iconic voice perfect. His voice just makes me smile.

And that is why you, the person reading this right now, should play this game. Right now. No, don't think about it. Go. Find a way of playing it, and do it. It doesn't matter if you have played it before or not, just go enjoy my childhood... sounds weird, but please, you won't regret it. 

Comment below, what was your first game? Do you still love it? let me know by typing below!