Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Genre: Puzzle/Adventure Platform: Nintendo DS Publisher: Capcom
Released: 2001
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is an interes-OBJECTION!!! Your Honour, there is cleary a... urm... contradiction with the reviewers statement! All jokes a side, objection is said a lot in this game. It takes some funny stereotypes of lawyers, a well thought out plot and a great soundtrack and brings them all together in this wonderful creation.
Players assume control of the title character, Phoenix Wright, an understudy who wants to become a fully fledged defense attorney. Phoenix gets his first case, when a childhood friend (who happens to be an idiot) gets arrested and accused of the murder of his ex-girlfriend. As the player, you have to look through the evidence and prove that your buddy isn't a murderer.
The game is almost like a novel, with bits for you to figure out in between to unlock the full story. The story is well written and pieced together intelligently, the sound track is brilliant and keeps the pace and atmosphere of the game, and the game is challenging enough to make you feel like you actually had to think. Often I found myself talking to the screen 'I know what happened!' and the game captures the saying "it's not what you know, it's what you can prove in court". I had great fun putting myself in the shoes of Phoenix, and the characters in the game all had a unique way off acting and looking. Part of the graphics which I felt really made the game shine was interaction during dialogue. Characters pulled some form of expression when lying or hiding something, so it paid being observant.
There is a downfall to the game though and it isn't particularly a big one. Text. The game is completely dependent on you constantly reading, and is very much so an interactive novel. Now, this was not a problem for me, but makes the game not to everyone's tastes. I really cannot think of any other complaints to this game. And if you can think of them, well OBJECTION! TAKE THIS!
Rating: A-Lister
This game deserves recognition as a funny, intelligent and enjoyable game. It isn't the greatest game ever, but I would recommended this game to anyone. Check it out!
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