Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Game Review - Maplestory

Maplestory Europe

Genre: 2D MMORPG
Price: Free to play (Buy Nexon cash for comestic changes)

Maplestory is a 2D MMORPG which was originally released in South Korea. The game focuses on a very simple gamplay. Classes vary the combat style, but generally it involves pushing a skill button or the normal attack to kill monsters. The gameplay never really adds any elements from that. It is a very short learning curve. All you need to learn is how the monster hurts you (the majority of non-boss monsters damage on collision, with a few that shoot projectiles). Most of the fun from this game comes from the party quests (PQ) and more are added with every update. Party quests involve you and a team of other players trawling through a dungeon or battling an epic boss. Dungeon bosses are the most challenging enemies since they can increase their defense, attack, and release minions. They can often boost the stats of the minions they spawn as well. There are also frequent updates to the game (the EU version is quite far behind the USA and Korean version) so new character types are being added to keep the game fresh. Questing in this game is unfortunately unoriginal and largely involves a 'go here kill that' mission. Or talk to this person for me, and then that person will tell you to go here and kill that. Questing is a hard thing to make original, but it feels like there is no attempt made in maplestory. There is a crafting system which has been recently released to the EU game, but again there is a lack of creativity in this system. 
Gameplay score: 5/10 Simple and enjoyable at first, the gameplay quickly repeats and can become mind numbingly simple.

The graphics are obviously limited to that of a 2D game, so I will judge it based on that and not of the high quality we expect from modern games. Personally, I really enjoy the graphics in the game. They all have this kinda cute cartoon feel to it. The animations are simple but look good, and when using a skill they mostly feel unique and the classes don't end up feeling the same. Monsters pull funny faces when they are hit, and the backgrounds can been interesting as well. Sometimes things can be a bit too simple, but that is part of the charm. 
Graphics Score: 8/10 The graphics don't disappoint, and sometimes make me laugh. There just isn't a point where I'm massively impressed.

Business Model
I've said it before and I'll say it again, free games like this rarely miss out on a way to make money. Maplestory is no exception to this rule. However, unlike some games which are a bit forceful or add an advantage for paying, maplestory avoids this. The cash shop which is easily accessed in game offers a variety of cosmetic products. All these products change is the way your weapons or character looks, allowing for a more personalised appearance. You could easily get hundred of hours out of this game if you enjoyed it that much and not once have to enter the cash shop.
Business Model score: 9/10 Perfect for a free game, it practically feels completely free. However, character customisation feels like its purposely cut down to encourage use of the cash shop.

Overall, maplestory has it's ups and downs. How long you play it is up to personal taste and how determined you are to play a free to play game. If you have no spare cash and fancy playing something different to 3D MMORPG's, then give maplestory a whirl. Just don't be suprised if you find yourself bored due to the game repetitive nature.
Overall Score: 6/10 The game is a good idea to try if your bored, since if you enjoy it the boredoms cured and if you don't, better luck next time!

1 comment:

  1. Haha remember when we first played this game, good review it was soooo repetitive... Only criticism I have is you forgot to mention it kills your PC if you use a zboard :P
